
Sunday, May 31, 2009

LeBron's "Apology"

Well, LeBron came forward with a statement on his failure to congratulate Orlando after they defeated the Cavaliers 4-2 in the conference finals. But it wasn’t the apology you usually hear after an athlete’s misconduct; he basically justified his actions. He compared it to a fight: if you're a competitor, and you lose a fight, you don’t congratulate the person who just beat you up. So what is LeBron saying about Carmello Anthony, Ray Allen, or Dwayne Wade? Since they shook hands with their opponents when they lost in the playoffs, they're not competitors? Also, the playoffs aren't really the same thing as a fight. It’s a game. It’s entertainment for all of America, and superstars like LeBron need to set a better example. Kids see LeBron walk off the court and think that that’s okay to do, when it’s not. In hockey, from Mites to the NHL level, teams line up at center ice, and shake each other’s hands, one by one. This should be the case in all professional sports, as it sets an example for Americans, and shows them proper way to behave, not just in sports, but in all realms of life: “You got into a better school than I did, good for you.” “Your apple pie won first prize, I’ll look forward to beating you next year, but nice job today.” That sounds a whole lot better to me than bitterly walking away after a disappointing loss.

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